Uncommon & Remarkable

What is uncommon & remarkable of this World, except the World itself. Let’s know some of the facts that transformed & revolutionized the World.

Large Hadron Collider- LHC detectors in cern

Large Hadron Collider-LHC detectors

In giant detectors that are capable of reconstructing what happened during collisions, and all this in a very high collision rate environment, the events (an event is a collision with all of its resulting particles) are studied. They can be compared to extremely large three-dimensional digital cameras that can take 40 million “sequences” per second […]

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LHC and other particle accelerator

LHC and other particle accelerators

The great challenges of today’s science require infrastructures and monstrous investments, among which are the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – the particle accelerator that started on 10 Sept 2008, the most powerful in the world -, the Pierre Auger Observatory – the largest cosmic ray detector of the moment-, the Cassini Huygens probe – the

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particle physics standard model

Particle Physics Standard Model

What is the Standard Model of Particle Physics? A theory explaining the relationships between known fundamental interactions between elementary particles that make up all matter is the standard model of particle physics. It is a quantum field theory that is consistent with quantum mechanics and special relativity that was developed between 1970 and 1973. Nearly

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BOINC: A Distributed Computing System

BOINC: A Distributed Computing System

Processing scientific data requires enormous power, but the number of supercomputers available is very limited. However, a significant part of the calculations can be broken down into small tasks that a home computer can handle. The BOINC project is a complex of programs designed to organize distributed computing. It was originally created in 2002 for

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frequency of 7 electromagnetic waves

Frequency of Electromagnetic Waves

What is the Frequency of a Wave? Radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, infrared light, all these names describe, in fact, the same phenomenon: The electromagnetic waves. An electromagnetic field surrounds us always, in the same way that air surrounds us. Electromagnetic waves are disturbances in the electromagnetic field, as the sound is a disturbance of air

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cyclic universe big bang theory wrong

Cyclic Model of Universe

Reasons why Big Bang theory is wrong Cyclic Model of Universe proves Big bang theory wrong. Let’s take a theoretical block of the Cosmos that contains 100 billion light-years of space. In the middle of that giant block of the cosmos, we will put Edwin Hubble and his telescope. When Hubble looks in both directions

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