Before we know Physics let’s take a quick overview of Science.
Science Definition
The Study of Nature is called Science
Science, as currently defined, proposes critical knowledge and tries to describe reality and explain it by means of laws that are universal propositions that establish under what conditions certain events will occur, thus allowing the prediction of phenomena, provided they are stripped of feelings, sensations and emotions.
Physics, on the one hand, brings us closer to the knowledge of the material elements that constitute nearby Nature, and on the other, it tries to investigate the origin of the Universe and its evolution through theoretical analytical models, and all this, resorting to the abstract reason of a useful math tool.
Physicists use research in its fundamental or applied aspects, depending on whether they are theorists or experimenters. In any case, the ultimate goal perhaps is to build a model capable of solving each and every one of the questions that can be asked from general relativity and quantum physics, unifying them in a single theory. At this time, however, it does not seem possible a physical-theoretical model that contains, at the same time, the forces that interrelate matter with energy (electromagnetism, gravity, weak or Fermi force and nuclear force) and elementary waves and particles.
Quantum Physics definition
Quantum physics states that elementary particles, constituents of the atom, are not essentially real elements given their existential imprecision. They can behave as particles at one moment and as waves at the next or the previous one. They exist in a space and a time that the present does not recognize, they jump from the past to the future, and vice versa. The present material is only recognized as a necessity and arbitrariness of human observation. However, contradictorily, elementary particles and waves demand their right to be the foundation of matter.
Complex and difficult-to-solve paradigms. The curiosity is that both relativistic and quantum physics solve problems as long as they are not simultaneously. This choice generated the Heisenberg Principle of Uncertainty, which expresses that there is no element that exists in a certain place and time. Therefore, the velocity and location of an elementary particle can only be fixed at a given instant (by Friedmann’s diagram), but it will never be known what will happen at the next instant, nor if it will act as such a particle or as a wave function. Watch “NOVA: Einstein’s Quantum Riddle” on Amazon Prime
Classical Physics Definition
Classical physics was erected by Newton in response to common sense. Matter can be evaluated, its position and behaviour are specified, movements and speeds, its energies and its results are anticipated. Waves were second-order elements compared to particles that alone were sufficient to make matter. Classical physics did not intuit with the necessary insight, the possibilities of waves acting as particles, not knowing these subatomic elements, both extremely close and far, but closely linked to the life of atoms. It did not go beyond the molecular horizon.
Fermions and Bosons
What is the difference between bosons and fermions?
Fermions are the particles that build the structure of matter and are represented by electrons, protons, and neutrons. They are particles that act with a certain independence and autonomy.
Bosons are the vectors that transport the essence and force of Nature, facilitating the conjunction of the Universe. They are independent particles that always interact with each other, sometimes synchronously, but under certain conditions lose their individuality. This paradox of the interdependence and individuality of these particles was stated by Einstein, Podolski, and Rosen. The bosons are made up of gluons, gravitons and photons, always with an unambiguous tendency to disperse.
The dynamic interrelation between fermions and bosons is based, especially, by the photon, which, having no charge, is its own antiparticle. Electron and positron pairs can be spontaneously created by photons, and this process can be reversed as a consequence of its own annihilation. The antiparticle of the electron is the positron. The collision of a photon (γ) With an electron (e-) generates a sudden change in its direction. The e- absorbs the γ and issues it again by changing its address.
Fermions and bosons are elementary particles which sustain and act as wave functions in indefinite instants.. Because of bosons, fermions move and remain consistent with each other, although independent, in the creation process. When bosons overlap due to the affinity generated by resonant shared information (a concept introduced by the author) they carry a certain identity, but the probabilities of existence as such individual particles decrease, materializing. This process is called the fall of the wave function. This primordial affinity can make us suppose the presence of an initial elemental state of consciousness. The loss of the individual quality of bosons is directly responsible for the appearance of the first stage of a material structure-aware of its own existence.